Course Syllabus
What this course is about:
Art History 101 introduces students to the history of the visual arts and architecture. Our primary focus will be the art of the Mediterranean, Europe and post-colonial America, but we will also briefly examine the traditions of Asia, the Islamic world, Africa and pre-Columbian America.
Course learning objectives:
• acquire analytical tools and vocabulary for understanding art and architecture.
• recognize the stylistic features of key periods in the history of western art and architecture.
• are introduced to non-western art and architecture traditions.
• build a foundation for more advanced study and life-long appreciation of art and architecture.
Stephens General Education learning objectives:
• display an understanding of the arts in terms of historical, cultural and political contexts.
• demonstrate a familiarity with a wide range of styles, forms, techniques and conventions from Western and non-Western traditions.
• develop powers of description and criticism, as applied to creative work.
seven on-line quizzes _______________________ 70
five discussion assignments _________________ 75
final exam _________________________________ 55
200 pts.
Letter grades will be assigned as follows (fractional points will be rounded up):
A above 185 C 145-152
A- 179-184 C- 139-144
B+ 173-178 D+ 133-138
B 165-172 D 125-132
B- 159-164 D- 119-124
C+ 153-158 F below 119
Our textbook for the course is Marilyn Stokstad, Art: A Brief History, 6th edition. You will have reading assignments in the textbook. In addition to the textbook we will be using web resources (articles, websites, slide lectures, videos, animations, interactives, virtual reality etc.). These are organized into daily modules on Canvas. To succeed in this course, you should budget about ten hours per week to thoroughly review the readings and online resources. Quizzes, exams, and graded discussion assignments will be based on these materials. It will be important to stay up to date with the modules on Canvas--if you fall behind it will be difficult to catch up!
Computer problems:
If something on Canvas is not working for you, please contact Zak Birchmeier at or (573) 876-2392, ext. 4392. Zak is a whiz at getting computer challenges straightened out. Dr. Terry would like to help you, but he has no skills!
Academic honesty:
Students must adhere to the college honor code as adopted by the Student Government Association and printed in the student handbook Within the Ivy:
“We, the students of Stephens College, in keeping with the high standards of this institution, are committed to upholding the traditions of academic honesty and personal integrity. We promote an atmosphere of mutual trust among students, faculty and administrators--trust that Stephens students will conduct themselves honorably. We will not cheat or steal or tolerate those behaviors in fellow students. Each student is responsible for protecting these standards for the benefit of the entire Stephens community.”
Any student who cheats will receive a grade of “F” for the course, regardless of her grades for work completed up to that point. For a full description of Stephens' academic dishonesty policy, see the Curriculum Catalog on the Stephens web site.
How to reach Dr. Terry:
The best way to reach me is by e-mail:
I check several times a day during the week, but less often on weekends. For students on campus, I have office hours in 117 Dudley 9:30-10:45 Tue./Thu. or by appointment. Don't be shy about getting in touch if you have questions or difficulties!
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |